Is technology a vital tool in facilities management – or just for fun?
What does the future hold for workplace tech? And are innovations and data genuinely improving the lives of the people using their buildings?
At the recent exclusive Mitie event ‘Tech: Tools or Toys?’, we asked six leading industry experts to give their insight on the best ways to harness technology and data to improve workspaces for everyone.

The event was hosted by Mitie’s Strategic Technology Director, Simi Gandhi-Whitaker, alongside change expert and co-founder of Kentish and Co, Liz Kentish.
So what is tech – tools or toys?
To find out, fill in the form below and you’ll get an exclusive summary of all the key insights from the night. You can also enjoy a fun video of the event highlights.
Find out more about the event
Complete the form below and access a summary about the ‘Tech: Tools or Toys?’ event.
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